Gustav hits land...
Hurricane Gustav hit land 55 miles SW of New Orleans this morning with winds of 110mph, a category 2. There is some damage but NO homes have been flooded in New Orleans in NO levees have been breached. However, the heavy rain, winds, and possibility of tornadoes continues. Current winds are at 90mph, a category 1.
Here is the 5 day track of Gustav...
As you can see, it will be affecting the same areas for many days to come. However, we could get some of the moisture into our area later on in the week (local weather discussion below).
Meanwhile, fresh off the press, Tropical Storm Hanna has graduated to Hurricane Hanna with 75 mph winds, a Category 1.
Forecasts keep it as a category one with winds up to 90mph until landfall on Friday in the FL/GA/SC area. As you can see, some of that moisture could make it into our area as well.
The tropics are definitely active right now with Gustav and Hanna, but how about Tropical Depression #9. Yes, another storm has developed in the Atlantic! Three storms are active right now...here is it's track...
This storm is expected to become a hurricane and move towards the Bahamas next weekend. Winds by Saturday are anticipated to be at 80-90mph. Of course, a lot can change with this as this becomes better organized and moves closer to the US. This storm does look poised to make a US landfall late this weekend into early next week.
When this storm does become a tropical storm, it will be Tropical Storm Ike.
I feel that you can definitely gain something by looking at the Atlantic as a whole...
That storm coming off the coast of Africa is also expected to turn into a tropical depression later today...
I will definitely keep an eye on all of this, but now I will talk about our weather...
- Until Thursday, we will stay dry and hot with highs in the lower 90s with humidities slowly creeping up throughout the week...
- Friday-Monday will offer us isolated chances of rain and storms depending on the inland tracks of Gustav and Hanna. Highs will remain in the mid to upper 80s, but increased humidities will make it feel the same as the rest of the days this week.
- Stay tuned for more on all of this on the blog...
Alex C.
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